Hey! Want a website? Or to produce music?
I offer this and much more! I am:
Greg Wilson
Cell: 316-771-9721
Email Me
Studio Location:
West Wichita, KS - Contact for details
Why "Selah"?
You may be wondering, "Why Selah creative services?" Or, "what does Selah mean?" Those are great questions! Let me tell you the answers.
"Selah" is actually a Hebrew term found in the Psalms of the Bible. It usually comes after the writer has said
something else of importance. My understanding of the word is that it can denote doing a musical interlude in which one is
supposed to meditate on what has just been said in the psalm. Thus, a "Selah" seems to be a time when the music itself can be expressing
the truth spoken before, dramatically. And this is what I want my creative services to do - to beautifully express truth through the
mediums of music, with or without lyrics, as well as photography and graphic design. (A good photo can make a truth statement just as music can - for example, a wedding picture
expressing the beauty and truth of marital LOVE.)
I seek for music and graphic design to be infused with and inspired by God's Spirit and His goodness. As in all life, without God, things become ultimately meaningless and empty - lacking the joy, the hope, and the truth of eternal life with our creator. "This is eternal life, that [we] might know [Him], the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom [He] has sent" (John 17:3). Thus, I want my music, especially, to be an overflow of my grounding in God and His word, even if it is instrumental music, which can still convey the Spirit with joy, peace, etc. I hope to be a blessing to you. : )
You can find various rates I charge for these different creative avenues on their
respective sites. However, I want this to be about the working of God's Spirit, though,
and not about just getting money. However, I do need to provide for myself! : ) Anyway, I
hope you enjoy the site, and I'd love to talk to you about whatever you might be wanting, or about
any questions you may have. Thank you, and may God and the Lord Jesus be near you.